Calm and the guide to how to achieve this

Michele Downey explains the importance of being calm. Michele  explains how to “be calm” and the various techniques she recommends to achieve that state. She discusses the various ways that you can achieve a state of calm.

When discussing visualization, mindfulness and meditation, she discusses her audios that are designed for people with various learning capabilities.

She is discussing the latest in brain neuro plasticity and how this impacts our learning. The length of time to grow new neurons and dendrites (new thinking pathways) are actively discussed.  This is why she recommends regular practice of these methods.



Various techniques to learn how to become calm.

She has used these methods and turned them into audios for over 35 years as a marriage and family therapist and registered nurse. When working with cancer, and various health problems, she finds that she has had wonderful results with healing. When working with mental illnesses, these audios have proven to be invaluable in her treatment plans. Mental illnesses include anxiety and depression thus these audios can help families understand the conditions.

The information address topics like bullying, and obsessive compulsive disorders. Topics are used  like helping people who have family members with problems like addiction, depression or obsession

Calming in Educational and Medical Advances

Most people encounter day to day worries. Simply trying to use a few minutes out of their day to work with a planned focus of meditation, visualization and mindfulness is effective for these worries. Most medical communities are now teaching physicians the importance of mindfulness practices as they try to bring healing to their patients.

Calm fairy godmotherMost of the healing arts use the practice of “Mindfulness”techniques.  These audios are done for you as they provide the ready- to -use visualizations.  They are used while you simply listen during your busy day.  On your lunch break or at bedtime before you sleep, therefore,  are the most effective times and uses for these audios frequently and daily.

These audios are a teaching tool. Consequently educators in schools can use this material for teachers and students.  Michele is thinking of every issue such as Sports Focus, Pre-Marital Issues, Bullying and Relationship issues.

Use of Sound Healing in becoming calm

Glenn Heaton, from the Australian company called Chill Sessions, used to be the world sound engineer for Disney in Australia. Michele and Glenn are collaborating to bring precisely the most relaxing combinations of music, voice and sound to help you achieve that state of calm and relaxation. For over 12 years, they continue to work together to achieve the unique sounds and quality of the audios which you can easily see for yourself in this sound healing link

The importance of calming in daily discipline

Using this principle found in brain plasticity and neuro genesis, we find that the brain is not a “fixed” organism.  Neuro-plasticity means it is malleable and can change. New thoughts and new connections happen therefore these connections grow and are altered.

Neuro-genesis means we grow new brain cells until we die.  We are amazed at the new changes that science has found out about the brain. More in the past 20 years has been done to advance this science, than what has been done in the previous 200 years.

Bringing the use of these principles daily, the brain becomes stronger as a muscle.  In Albert Einstein’ brain, scientists find some important differences.  It isn’t in the size of his brain but scientists find that Einstein has more dense matter in his brain.

This came as the result of what he called his “thought experiments”.  For instance, this is where he imagined and visualized  “riding on a beam of light” regularly. Consequently, using his imagination he often created many scientific advances.

This explains his quote “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge”.



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